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3 Simple Ways to Grow Your Brand With Hashtags

Learn the Basics of Brand Marketing With Hashtags

If you use it intelligently, Twitter can be a form of engineered serendipity.
Jason Silva

Discover Hashtags and Propel Your Brand Message

Overnight it seems - the hashtag has worked it's way into everyday communication.

Take a look around you next time that you are on the road. Note how many companies are currently using hashtags to promote their services and products.

The hashtag is the popular choice for searches on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram. If you are not using hashtags to leverage your brand, you are missing out on a golden opportunity. 

Find below 3 easy ways to make use of the power of hashtags to grow your brand:

1. Participating In Industry Events Virtually

What can you do if you are unable to attend an event in your industry?

Perhaps there is a seminar or event that is out of town or out of your budget, and although you wish to attend - you are unable to do so.

If you understand the power of the hashtag you could be attending that seminar right now. The conference or seminar will have a hashtag for the event, so make use of it and you can literally follow along from the comfort of your house.

How is this possible you might be asking? The hashtag for the event is usually shared long in advance of that event by the promoters to garner interest early on. 

So if you have access to those hashtags, you now have access to the trends taking place and you can also connect with whomever is speaking at the event.

Begin by searching the main hashtag for the event a few days before the event even starts. Now you have access to the list of speakers for the seminar. On the day of the seminar, simply tune into a live stream of the event and introduce yourself. When you include the hashtag in your posts, the comments that you make will appear on the search results.

Now ask yourself what are your goals? Are you simply posting to expand your network or are you trying to strategically align with industry leaders. Retweet and share your favorite comments for the day to keep your name in the loop longer.

2. Establishing More Credibility

If you are looking for ways to boost your presence online, hashtags are a great way to increase both visibility and credibility.

To do this successfully you need to participate regularly in Twitter chat sessions. From there, you will be able to share some of your expertise and track your online engagement at the same time. These chats usually last about an hour, so be sure to zero in on a specific subject and get involved in the question and answer session at the end. This is where you, the moderator and other participants can reply to each other. 

Keep the hashtag for the chat close by to incorporate in your messages. This will help to organise the conversation throughout. Then later on you can search and sort your tweets by these tags. Once you have done this a few times, why not increase your brand and credibility by hosting your own chat sessions on Twitter. Create your own custom hashtag to use for the session. This can help to promote awareness of your brand and allow you the unique opportunity to connect on a one on one level with influencers and consumers.

3. Reaching the Right Audience

If you want to reach a more local audience, make use of geotargeting techniques.

Broader hashtags will reach a global audience, and are great if you simply want to just get a message to the masses. However, when you need that message to reach people in your city, you have to approach things a little differently.

Finding hashtags that target a unique community in your area is straightforward. Search for the hashtags that are in your city, and participate in the conversation to let your local customers know more about you and your brand. Hashtag your content with your location so people understand exactly where you are coming from.


At Roundhouse, we understand how effective social media and hashtags can be - at expanding your reach and connecting with your niche customers. If you want to learn more about how to use hashtags to grow your business locally, please call us for an informal chat.

We are here to help.

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Roundhouse - The Creative Agency

Author - Saul Edmonds

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