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10 Ways To Make Word of Mouth Marketing Work for You

How To Make Word of Mouth Marketing Work for Your Business

Word-of-mouth marketing is a crucial component of organic growth for startups and one of the primary ways that Weebly has grown to over 15 million customers.
David Rusenko

Use the Power of Word of Mouth

One of the most powerful tools in your marketing strategy is word-of-mouth campaigns.

This type of advertising actually generates high quality referrals because they are coming to you from a trusted source rather than finding you through other mediums. The biggest benefit to the word-of-mouth campaigns is they literally cost a fraction of traditional advertising methods.

Here is a list of the 10 things you must do to improve your word-of-mouth marketing campaigns:

1. Making a One Page Flyer

This flyer should be simple in design and basically give a quick overview of your business. Keep these handy and be ready to pass them out throughout the day to any prospective clients. Always have a hard copy available in case you need to e-mail a copy to someone quickly.

2. Q&A Sheets

This Q&A sheet is the perfect way that you and another networker can learn more about each others business. By filling out the sheet completely, you instantly learn all you need to know about their business, and they yours. This way you won't forget any key details when the chance to make that referral arises.

3. The Testimonial Letter

One of the most effective ways to show others the overall quality of your business is by having testimonial letters. Keep the hard copies and then post them to your website. If you have social media profiles like LinkedIn, ask other clients in your network to begin to recommend you and your services.

4. Images of Your Facility, Staff, Products, Awards

A professional image of yourself can really make the difference on your business cards and social media profiles. Being able to put a face to the business can really help people to connect with you more on an emotional level. Collect as many images of your facility, awards, staff, and keep them all organized either on your website or in a brochure you can hand out.

5. Detailed Explanation of Your Business

You should have plenty of material that gives people an in depth look inside your company. These items range from mission statements, annual reports, or a clearly written out history of the business from start-up to now. All these documents help to give more credibility to your company.

6. New Product Announcements

While you are networking, make certain these people who could become potential customers are always informed of the latest releases of products or services you have. Announcements and press releases and a great way to keep them informed, and can either be posted online or handed out at network meetings. You should always have plenty of current brochures on hand that showcase your latest products in case you meet someone that can connect you with a new group of customers.

7. Membership Affiliations

When you meet someone for the first time, it can be very helpful to show them your business affiliations and discuss any mutual acquaintances. This could open the door to a new introduction to someone in those organisations that you have been trying to meet for the longest time. Now you have an opportunity to meet them through your new contact.

8. Any Articles That Mention Your Name

Articles that have your name published in them are excellent resources for showcasing the world that you are an authority in your niche. Many potential clients simply want to only do business with people who are perceived as experts in their field.

9. Showcase Recent Projects

If you happen to meet a prospective client at a networking event, showcasing recently completed projects can help break the ice. Your potential customer may have a specific need that is similar to some recent jobs that you have completed. You can demonstrate that you really are an authority in that field if you have competed work at hand.

10. Trends In Your Industry

When you are on top of all the trends taking place in your industry, you are in a better position to have a more targeted conversion with new clients. Discuss the latest trends in a way that is relevant to each person and offer some advice to clients that utilise your services. By staying up on current news in your industry, it shows that you are knowledgable about your business.


At Roundhouse, we understand how word of mouth marketing can increase your profitability. People trust others in their network. If you are personally recommended to by a trusted associate, friend or family member - you have greatly increased your chances of conversion. To learn more about how to integrate word of mouth marketing into your business strategy - please call us for an informal chat.

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Roundhouse - The Creative Agency

Author - Saul Edmonds

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