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5 Ways To Use Hashtags To Drive Business Engagement

5 Ways to Add Value to Your Business with Hashtags

I think Twitter is best when it sparks conversations elsewhere. To use YouTube and Facebook and all the tools we have available to us today to respond and also promote and answer and engage is awesome.
Jack Dorsey

Use hashtags to propel audience engagement

The hashtag first came to popularity in 2007 on Twitter, and since then, Twitter has seen this messaging technique explode across all social media platforms.

Whichever social media platform you are using - hashtags are there.

Take a closer look around you each day. You cannot escape them. Hashtags are now used on billboards, websites, print advertisements, and more - just about anywhere and everywhere a company advertises their services and products.

Learn how to harness the power of the hashtag and get more people actively engaged in your conversation online.

Here are 5 ways that hashtags can drive business value and explode your customer base at the same time.

1. Encouraging Users to Generate Content

Using hashtags is unlike traditional business marketing. 

In a traditional advertising scenario - information is relayed in one direction only. The message goes from the company to the consumer and ends there.

Social marketing platforms have completely opened up communication channels.

Via the 'social media pipeline' you can send messages to consumers, who then use hashatgs to interact and share your information with their network. When you simply insert a hashtag into one of your advertising messages, you are in a sense inviting customers to participate in a conversation. If you can incorporate sweepstakes, contests, or giveaways into the message, you will begin to see a larger audience on Facebook, Twitter, and Vine participating in your campaigns.

A strategic use of hashtags can encourage users to share your message - and generate related content. This is key to growing your audience and user engagement.

2. Showcasing User Content

If your business is looking for unique ways to showcase user-generated content, hashtags give you the opportunity to achieve that goal.

Incorporate user-generated videos, photographs, info graphics and comments into your social media streams. Use relevant hashtags to promote the content. Invite feedback. Encourage interaction and responses from other users. Offer incentives and rewards to involvement. Hashtags provide a great way to promote your message and showcase user-generated content to your audience. 

3. Connecting the Campaigns

The hashtag may appear small at first, but it does have tremendous power and can accomplish amazing things : one of which is being able to connect all of your efforts together.

For example, hashtags could be utilised in a promotional campaign where you have a giveaway for your customers, who simply have to make use of the hashtag to participate. In this scenario, your hashtag begins to grow in popularity and attracts a brand new audience, expanding your audience at lightning fast speed. Expand your campaign to include email marketing where you can connect with your new audience long term. By co-ordinating all your efforts together, you can streamline the process and allow the hashtag to really expand your customer base.

4. Repurposing All That Content

If your hashtag is encouraging user-generated content, why not use that content in other ways to expand your viewing audience?

Choose the high quality images or videos, and use them on your other social media profile pages. The hashtag will allow you to keep your audience connected throughout.

5. Relating to Your Customers in Real Time

Whenever there is an event that attracts global attention, the world participates in the action via their social platforms. Simply by incorporating the latest hashtag for the event, people are able to get involved with the action in real time.

Smart companies position themselves in that global conversation simply by joining in. By focusing on the event, you can use that conversation to get in front of an enormous crowd and introduce your brand to a new audience. If you do it right, you have the opportunity for your message to go viral and reach more people within seconds.


At Roundhouse, we understand the importance of connecting with your audience via social media. We have a tailored range of social media services and management to assist your customer service and outreach campaigns. To learn more about how to strategically use hashtags to market your business, please get in touch with us today.

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Roundhouse - The Creative Agency

Author - Saul Edmonds

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