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How to Boost App Sales This Christmas

Key Tips to Boosting Your App Sales With Christmas Marketing

As we give presents at Christmas, we need to recognize that sharing our time and ourselves is such an important part of giving.
Gordon B. Hinckley

Sharing is Caring

In the last two years, over 17 million Android and iOS devices were activated.

This Christmas you can bet that millions of happy children will be opening their brand new smartphones, and what happens soon after those gifts are open? If history is any indication, Christmas last year saw those kids download in excess of 328 million apps.

This year could set new records in app downloads.

Here are some unique tips to boost your apps sales this holiday season.

  • Start focusing more on your marketing and promotions.

If you have been creating advertisements in recent weeks, scale up that production by ten fold. In order to get the most interaction, your apps need to be noticed. These ads will draw in plenty of new visitors who want to download you app to their phone.

One way to grab the attention of a new audience is to update the app with a unique holiday theme.

A new version will grab the search engine attention, and possibly spotlight your app on a popular purchase page. Even if you add a few holiday backgrounds or creating animated snow falling images, update the description of the app. Create new screenshots so the visitors will understand this is a newer app and has recently undergone changes.

  • Create a free offer or a special one of a kind limited deal.

Try discounting the price of the app during certain days leading up to and past the holiday.

Christmas week will be the time in which the most downloads occur, so be sure to offer your best possible price during that week.

If you want to really skyrocket downloads, give away the app for free for a special day. All those free downloads will help to create a buzz around your app. This raises it in the search results and will help to spread the word of mouth more easily. A free app is more likely to be shared and then downloaded again.

The popular 12 days of Christmas song is a great theme to base your discounts and promotions around. Run this promotion on all your social media platforms, and each of the 12 days of Christmas you can promote a different sale. On the day that your app is free, gift your audience a certain amount that they can easily redeem on that app for songs, other apps, or movies. You can see the "Send Gift" button on the bottom of the page in the iTunes store. Simply choose the correct gift amount and then enter the email address of each person you want to offer this special to. If you want to give stuff away in the hopes of drawing more attention, this is the way to do it.

  • Use the Power of Word of Mouth Marketing

The name of the game when it comes to your app is generating word of mouth.

In order to do that effectively, you have to stand out from your millions of competitors in the app stores.

If you are running a free promo, consider giving your users something else that has some value. Free coins is something every user can take and use to buy other items online. They don't have to pay for the items, so they will appreciate your generous offer by sharing and promoting your offer to their social following.

  • Optimise Social Media Marketing

One of the things you must do this holiday season is promote your app correctly on as many social profiles as possible.

Customize your marketing plan to be more in tune with the holidays. Don't just focus on the design looking more festive, make certain that the messaging is also related to the holidays. If you can pitch that your app is the perfect gift for your children, friends, coworkers, or friends, it sounds more like something the average user will want to pick up.

Utilise a few of these tips to boost app sales and you will see your downloads increase faster that you might imagine.

Once word of mouth begins to spread, your app is on the way to becoming on of the must haves this holiday season.


At Roundhouse, we finetune our strategies to mer the needs of your brand and your audience. Why not gain valuable traction with tailoring your marketing to take advantage of the Christmas season? Our talented team of experts works closely with you to create precisely what you need.

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Roundhouse - The Creative Agency

Author - Saul Edmonds

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