What is a Brand Story?

Today our aim is to help you better understanding your 'brand story'.
As we have often said - your brand resides within a broader context. And that broader context is your brand story.
But what exactly is a 'brand story', why is a good 'brand story' important, what does a 'brand story' consist of; and how do you tell it well?
There's a lot to cover! So, let's get started!
But first, a quote from Homer.
Homer said, "The journey is the thing."
Homer wrote two famous epic poems. These are the 'Iliad' and the 'Odyssey'.
When he lived is shrouded in mystery. Historians say he lived between the 12th and 8th centuries BC in the region of Asia Minor. This obscurity leads some academics to doubt his authorship and even authenticity.
But that does not matter for our purposes, where the words are the thing.
So what is Homer talking about here?
For myself, it's a reference to that common mindset - where we focus on the end goal, the finish line, the mountain summit - rather than the 'how, why, where and whens' and getting there. The 'getting there' part - when compared to that glorious moment of triumph and achievement -
seems almost dull and boring.
Who care's how you got there?
You did it, right? That's all that matters.
Ah, but Homer says, "The journey is the thing."
He values the journey. For Homer, it's more important than any destination.
A successful outcome demands a good process.
To reach your goals, you need a plan.
But above all, the journey itself is transformative. The journey changes you, along the way. You will be challenged, you will learn, you will grow - and that's a good thing. Experience is always the best of teachers.
If the journey is the thing, how does connect with branding?
How can your journey - inform your small business brand?
Your life journey is your story.
You small business brand takes on real meaning when you actively infuse your brand with your story.
This is your brand story.
It's all about you, how you share your message with the people who matter most - your customers.
What is a brand story? Why is a good brand story important?
As small business owners and entrepreneurs - to grow our business and gain leads - we need to find ways to connect authentically with people. Building a business is about building relationships.
But what about stories?
We know that - all children love stories. All people love stories.
We all love stories - that entertain, educate and enlighten us.
Storytelling is a powerful tool for brand building.
When your small business brand - is expressed in the context of a story - magic happens. People listen, People relate. People remember.
People love stories. And your brand's story is no different.
Use the power of storytelling to broaden your reach and strike a chord with your target audience.
Remember - is your brand is story, you are the storyteller.
Tell your story well.
Like every tale, a good brand story will have ups and downs, conflicts, resolutions and lessons learnt along the way.
Your unique life journey has real value here.
The most powerful mix is when you infuse your brand story with your personal life story.
Tell your story. Be authentic. Build your brand upon your own true experiences.
People value the truth. Share your truth.
And yes, the journey is the thing. (Thanks, Homer)
What does a brand story consist of?
Telling your brand story - is all about taking advantage of benefits of story telling.
Your brand story is a strategic, yet authentic story that you proactively share with your audience - to stand out amongst competitors, increase leads and ultimately grow revenue.
But what are the key elements of an effective brand story?
What does a brand story consist of?
Let's break it down a little.
Getting started is easy.
The journey starts with you.
What's your personal mission?
What's your vision?
What are your values?
What problems can you solve?
How can you help others?
Who is your precise target customer?
These simple questions help you find your brand story and understand how to use your story to reach out meaningfully to others.
Tell your story to engage and inspire your customers, leads and prospects. While your journey starts with you - it ends with your customer.
Find ways to tell your story - that works from your customer's point of view. Understanding your customer - and striving to deliver real benefits to them - is always paramount.
But remember, a story told from the heart will always find a mark.
At the end of the day, a good brand story works for marketing your business.
It is a cost effective strategy - that informs your business holistically.
How do you build your a brand story?
Ultimately, you brand story helps you know your customer better, communicate your product & service benefits, and turn your prospects and leads into buyers.
Ensure that all stakeholders across your business - from management to employees - share the same vision.
Keep it simple. Make it easy to know, easy to tell. Think problem - solution - benefits.
Keep your message consistent across all your touch points - from your website, to social media, to customer relations and more.
Remember, your brand story gets to the heart of what your small business is all about. It's the big picture.
But - How do you put your brand story all together?
Keep in mind that there are two people in this equation - you and your customer.
Keep your customer uppermost in your mind at all times. Your goal is to meaningfully connect with your customer, so that they come to know you, your business, and how you can help them.
Be specific. Focus on a key theme. Don't try to be all things to all people.
Try to make your brand story compelling. Arrange your points in a logical order - beginning, middle and end.
Share your struggles. Think emotionally. Be truthful.
Your customer's deserve the best.
Tell the hero's journey.
Keep in mind that you're not the only hero here - your customer is the hero too.
This is also their journey.
And as Homer said, "The journey is the thing."
Your story - your brand story - is ultimately your customer's story too.
Your journey is their journey.
And a journey shared is a journey remembered.
Walk on.