ROUNDHOUSE™ The Creative Agency

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What Makes A Great Corporate Identity?

An Essential Guide to Corporate Identity

"Don't explain, identify." (Paul Rand, designer)

What is Corporate Identity?

Strategic design lies at the heart of an effective corporate identity.

A corporate identity design must work both graphically and conceptually and achieve defined goals. It should serve to promote trust and brand loyalty.

A fully resolved corporate identity design will be successful both :

  • creatively (where design goals involving logo, corporate colours and typography are met)

  • strategically (as a targeted representation of brand, culture and community)


Find below a discussion of the key points that comprise corporate identity design.

Corporate Identity & Logo Design

Build identity with strong logo design.

A memorable logo is designed for instant recognition by customers and prospects. 

A logo design should:

  1. Distinguish a brand from competitors

  2. Be simple yet distinctive

  3. Function effective across a range of media both online and offline

  4. Convey meaning

If colour is utilised within the design - it must be used thoughtfully. Colour produces an immediate emotional response and must be carefully chosen in line with target audience expectations. A corporate typeface is also selected and should be used consistently throughout all corporate literature and print collaterals.

Corporate Identity & Brand

Corporate identity is a concept that is more than logo, colours and typography. 

It represents the total visual representation of a brand. 

Corporate identity uses logo, colour, fonts and other graphical elements to speak of the messages and values that are core to a brand.

A brand must convey solutions to customers while providing the necessary trust, credibility and motivation to convert prospects. Quality remains an important element. Corporate identity should reflect quality in terms of product, service and reputation.

Corporate identity should communicate key brand objectives - such as the philosophy, image and mission of a business.

Corporate Identity & Community

Community involvement will strengthen every business. Corporate brands should seek to build enthusiastic communities around their products and services. A positive image provides a powerful leverage that leads to a better user experience and increased sales.

Word of mouth marketing is key. A company who nurtures customers actively promote the experience to their trusted circles. 

A corporate identity should seek to meaningfully understand the culture of their community. This includes such aspects a language, knowledge and values. This should inform identity design and associated corporate policy.

Roundhouse's Corporate Identity Services

Corporate identity design is increasing relevant in today's business world as brands seek ways to identity and resonate with audiences both online and offline. A corporate identity that readily communicates with customers is a positive asset. It serves to provide key information to customers and can assist in the process of sales and conversions.

At Roundhouse, our creative identity services are designed to build your brand. This includes elements such as logo design, colour, composition, associated imagery and selected information. We aim to develop a unique and memorable corporate identity that stands out amongst competitors and drives sales.

Create a Lasting Impression with Roundhouse

Since 2001 Roundhouse has been providing quality corporate identity design services to Gold Coast and Brisbane businesses. Today, we have an increasing portfolio of international clients as well.

We have provided our creative services to many design groups including: retail, wholesale, health and medical, finance, real estate, trades, non profits and more. We customise our services to provide a highly tailor solution that meets all of your corporate identity requirements.

We are committed to providing the highest quality corporate design services at affordable prices. 

Talk to us today!

Contact Roundhouse for an EXPERT, obligation FREE consultation.


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