A Practical Guide To Brand Storytelling
“And do you know what is the most-often missing ingredient in a sales message? It’s the sales message that doesn’t tell an interesting story. Storytelling . . . good storytelling . . . is a vital component of a marketing campaign.”
If there is one key piece of advice I can share - that is - to tell your story.
Be authentic. Be brave. Be honest.
Your brand is an extension of your story. Your customers want to get to know you - your business, products and services - and what you stand for, and where you have come from. It matters to your customers.
Tell them. Share it.
Your story is your most valuable marketing tool.
Use your story to grow your business.
In today’s marketing world, connecting with your prospects in a real way is an integral part of business success. Regardless of your industry, your expertise or your particular strategy, finding ways to create an emotional connection with your audience will make a huge difference when it comes to attracting and retaining customers.
In order to stand out from the crowd and gain a competitive edge in your industry, you have to shift from broadcasting your promise to telling your brand story.
Well-written business and brand stories are very powerful tools for building trust since they are original, emotional, sharable and memorable. The sharing aspect is what enhances brand awareness regarding your business and brings more potential customers to your business.
So, what’s your brand story? If you want to write an 'emotionally intelligent’ brand story, but don’t know how to go about it, read on.
What Is Your Brand Story?
Your brand story is a powerful marketing tool, and the best and most effective brand stories are those that engage with your customers. These are descriptive, conversational and inspirational stories that speak directly to your audience to bind your business, product or service to your audience.
Your brand story is much more than just a narrative or content.
Your brand story is more than content on a website, a message in a leaflet or the presentation you use to pitch to clients or investors. It goes beyond the narrative you tell other people about your business; it includes what others think about your business based upon your brand image; complete with facts, interpretations and emotions.
Everything you do, every aspect of your brand or business, from packaging and selling your products, to the employees your hire is a major part of your story and each element of your brand or business should represent the truth about your business brand.
If you are interested in creating an effective, sustainable business and build brand loyalty, you must begin with your brand's story. But why is your brand's story so important?
Why Have a Brand Story?
Your marketing efforts must connect in an authentic way with your potential buyers. That’s where your brand story comes into play. While a brand story may not be the only reason a shopper buys a product from an online store, it does influence a sale. Therefore, it is extremely important to have a brand story that resonates with your target audience.
The key to building a great brand is to place your brand's story in line with the needs of your customers. Businesses that only tell stories about themselves will end up speaking to themselves. On the other hand, companies that allow customers to be a part of the brand story will end up building trust and developing relationships.
Stop using your website to show ads for your business, instead show your visitors how your brand can help them.
Top brands are built on much more than the specifications and utility of their products or services. Your product or service is just one part of your brand story. A prospective customer’s relationship with your business will most likely start before they actually buy your product for the first time.
How Do You Start To Tell Your Brand's Story?
In order to tell your brand story, you need to understand your business and define the elements that will help you to tell your story effectively. This will enable you to set your brand apart and make emotional connections with your customers and clients.
An effective brand story strategy will ensure you you stand out, boost brand awareness, build customer loyalty and increase your profits.
The world’s top brands are not just about products. No matter what industry or stage you are in your business, you should see your brand story as a key element of your marketing mindset.
Your brand story starts with an emotional connection created when your customer hears your brand name for the first time, visits your website, sees your business logo, views your posts on social media or reads your “about us” page. The message you send should not be just your business and how good you are at it, but also about your values and mission. This will help to create the full picture of you stand for as a business.
More often than not, marketing takes place when you are not there and your customers are telling their friends or relatives about the amazing benefits of your product. Let your customers tell your brand's story for you.
Build Characters That People Admire
In each compelling story, you will find a character that connects with the audience. Perhaps it’s the main character, a minor character or just an onlooker whose ideas, personality or role in the narrative persuades and influences the audience opinion.
It is extremely important to tell a story that your audience will care about.
Helping your customers resonate with your brand is the best way to create an emotional connection and a greater fan base.
Be Consistent with Your Brand Message
Confusion can ruin your brand reputation, so make sure that your story is consistent with your image and promise. If your audience cannot meaningfully relate to your brand story in the context of their expectations and perceptions of your business, they will move on and seek another brand that fulfils their needs.
By creating a compelling and emotionally engaging brand story, you can make your brand more personified and drive authenticity, which helps to create relevance, trust and loyalty. However you tell your brand’s story, be sure to reach out to those who care about your business, your products or services.
Give your audience a story that they can relate to, to build long term customer relationships built upon trust and positivity.
Are You Telling Your Brand Story Effectively?
At Roundhouse, we are here to help you tell your brand story and grow your brand. We care about you - and we are committed to getting your story out there to the people who matter most - your customers!
We have a complete range of brand and logo design services - including web development - to ensure that you reach your business goals. Book a free consultation with us today, to learn more about your range of brand services. (link)
Ready to Get Started With A New Brand Design?
My name is Saul Edmonds and I have over 20 years professional brand design and brand experience. I would love to learn more about your business and help you grow your professional opportunities. Call me for a FREE personal brand consultation today. Let's work together to make your vision a reality.